Swimrun Casco Bay 2023 race report.
Casco Bay ! One of our favorite swimruns, and a great training day for a an upcoming long race. Not exactly ideal for the race WE'RE doing, since it's pretty darn flat, but lots of running, lots of swimming, transition practice, nutrition practice, gear practice. A lot of opportunities to practice a lot of things. Plus it's beautiful and has better July weather than either Austin or Atlanta, and it's an opportunity to hang out with all our favorite people. Since we never get to train together, Adorkable reunions are always happy times! While Casco isn't exactly the ideal training ground for Rockman , we learned last year that it IS the perfect training ground for ÖTILLÖ World Championship. This year the Kalamanders, one of our most favorite sister teams, is heading to Sweden for WC, and we recommended they do Casco as part of their lead-up, if they were able. Unfortunately only half the team was able, so while Ben had to give this one a pass, Anna really wanted to ...