Swimrun NC 2022 race report
We love this race, and signed up for it in January, before we knew whether we were going to qualify for ÖTILLÖ World Champs . Once we were invited to WC, and accepted, that was our sole focus for months, with swimming and running taking over our lives. Then the race happened. And then a week of vacation in the Arctic Circle . And then finally back home, where we had to go back to the real world, and figure out what we'd been neglecting this year. And we remembered that we still had two races left in 2022! Commemorative ÖTILLÖ tattoos. Real ones this time, to replace the temporary ones we raced with. The training for WC was intense, and we absolutely needed a break after the race. We didn't stop running and swimming, but the volume in Training Peaks went way down, some runs were replaced by strength workouts, and if we didn't feel like doing a workout.. we didn't. Which means we rolled up to the start line of Swimrun NC having no idea how prepared we really were. We h...