Swimrun Mackinac Island 2021 race report
(If you prefer to absorb race reports through your ear-holes instead of your eye-holes, we had a post-race chat with The Low Tide Boyz , which you can listen to here , or wherever you prefer to ingest your podcasts from. But then come back and at least scroll through the pictures and videos here, and make sure you get through to the finish line video. No spoilers.) This was the inaugural year for Odyssey Swimrun Mackinac Island . When it was announced, it looked so amazing and beautiful, plus the island was part of Matt's Michigan childhood, and we were disappointed that we wouldn't be able to participate in its first year. Because it was just after Rockman . But then Rockman wasn't. Again. It's the promposal that keeps on giving. Hopefully 2022 will be our year! And so to soften the blow of having our giant, scary A race pushed back another year by covid, we decided to sign up for Mack. To give us something to look forward to. We ran a lot of hills and swam a LOT of ...